Keeping Warm in Toronto's Winter

As fall quickly fades away, people are pulling out their coats and space heaters in preparation for the cold. Today we’d like to give you some helpful tips and tricks for surviving the winter in the city, especially for those in smaller condos and apartments. Let’s get started!



The Basics

These tips are pretty obvious, but it’s worth double-checking things just in case!

  • If you aren’t using a room, shut the door and don’t bother heating it. Keep the heat concentrated where you actually are.

  • Make sure there’s nothing covering or obstructing your heat vents. Don’t let your spring and summer redecorating get in the way of your warmth!

  • If you have an unfinished basement or attic, even if you don’t often access it, make sure it’s insulated to keep heat from escaping.



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Windows are almost always the largest source of heat loss in a home. If you have concerns over the temperature in your home or the price of your heating bill, try these steps: 

  • Make sure your windows are sealed. Small air leaks can turn into big chills if they’re not taken care of. Carefully inspect the frame around your window. Make sure the window isn’t moving it its space, indicating there may be empty air, and ensure that none of the edges are letting in a draft.

  • Consider investing in some surprisingly cheap window treatments. Thermal film can keep precious heat contained in your home and, as an added bonus, can cut down on light glare. This can be especially efficient if your windows are single-pane.

  • Open your drapes during the sparse sunlit hours, and close them back up when it’s dark. Consider hanging a blanket over the window if window-sourced chill is a particularly large issue in your home.



Heat Source

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If you live in a condo, it’s likely that your heating source was chosen for you, but there are other solutions depending on your space, budget, and needs if you choose to look into them.

  • Hydro bill too high? Try a space heater for keeping just your bedroom heated overnight. Single—room units are quite cheap and can efficiently heat a space quickly.

  • Speaking of space heaters, the right one can work wonders for small, older apartments. Baseboard heating can be brutal on a hydro bill, and a smaller self-placed unit can be cheaper in the long run for some homes.

  • If you’re looking for a larger investment to lead to a low, green, and efficient upkeep, look into some newer styles of heat pumps. These handy installations convert exterior cold air to warm, and vice versa in the summer. In condos, they can easily be installed on a balcony or patio.



And More

  • Turn that portable fan you bought in the middle of a heatwave upwards. This can force the low, cool air of your home to the ceiling, displacing the warmer air that has risen.

  • Try changing up your bedsheets if you find yourself getting chilled overnight. Fleece tends to be incredibly warm, alongside flannel sets.

  • Looking for some warm DYI Pinterest-worthy fun? Check out these guides on making your own heating pads!




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Have any home-cooked heating hacks? Send us a message and we’d love to spread the word (and try it ourselves!) And if you find yourself in Leslieville, our office is always warm and ready with a hot cup of coffee or tea.

With some smart preparation we’ll beat this winter together!